
Professional Dutch translations

Easy access to over 10.000 qualified translators and more than 95 language combinations

  • Fast and easy translation
  • Personal assistance
  • User-friendly platform


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Top quality Dutch translations

At EasyTranslate we are experts in professional Dutch translations. We provide tailored and industry specific translations at affordable rates. With us you get access to a network of over 10.000 experienced and highly qualified translators who will make sure to adapt your material to fit your brand identity, line of business and tone of voice.

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Fast & easy Dutch translation

EasyTranslate is all about making the Dutch translation as smooth and convenient for you as possible.

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Our platform is fast and easy to use, and you can make your request at anytime, anywhere and with only a few clicks.

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Once you’ve completed your order you can track the status of your translation on our platform - it will be ready for you in less than 48 hours.


Dutch translation support

Get support throughout the entire translation process from our dedicated team of experts. Their expertise in linguistics and a wide range of industries allows them to find the right Dutch translator for your translation project. They work closely with our translators to make sure that all your translation needs are met and that nothing is left to circumstances.


"I am so delighted to work for Easytranslate. They have always offered me excellent support. They are accommodating and reliable."

Miriam D
Free-lance translator


"Liv, the customer success manager who helped me, was very attentive and did everything she could to rectify my issue. She called me to ensure we were understanding each other correctly and follows up to ensure I am happy with the service."

Sophia V


"My contact with their support has also been very positive. They are quick to answer and always helpful. Highly recommended!"

Oscar H

Various translation services

Dutch translation services

We do all kinds of translation services, so whether your business needs regular Dutch translation, certified translation, subtitling or something completely different, we have got you covered.


Content Generation

With just a few keywords, our Content Generation tool creates content like product descriptions for you in no time.


Team of translators

Establish your dream team. One that can maximise your results and minimise your efforts.


Machine Translation

Machine Translation will help you achieve better results with less effort. 


Editor tool

The Editor makes it easy to adjust your translations. The software learns from your edits so your future otputs will be even better.


Roles & Permissions

Assign roles and permissions to each user of your account according to the goals you want to achieve. 


Wallet & Payments

Using the Wallet feature offers you a unified and automatic way of paying your freelance translators.


String Library

Using String Libraries, you can maximise the efficiency of your developers and translators while ensuring that you always deliver up-to-date content without downtime.


Automation Workflows

Build, edit, use, and reuse one or multiple translation Automation Workflows. Automate your translation processes and increase the efficiency of your team.

If you are looking for other services than the ones listed above, feel free to contact us. We will most likely be able to cover those needs as well.

Industry specific translations

Dutch translations for any industry

At EasyTranslate we provide Dutch translations for a wide range of industries and our translators all have the needed expertise to deliver tailored translations that fit your specific line of business.

E-commerce localisation

Localisation management

Website translation and localisation

Translation Memory

Software localisation

Game localisation

Translation Tools

Plug-in Integrations


Give your E-commerce business a boost with localisation

Localise your content and watch your business thrive. With professional content localisation, you can reach audiences in an authentic and natural way, embedding cultural norms into your communication. It’s no wonder that almost 73% of consumers prefer to shop online in their own language.

State-of-the-art technology

Smart translation tools

At EasyTranslate we provide state-of-the-art translation tools to make the Dutch translations run smoothly and cost-efficiently. By utilising our smart tools to drive your business globally, you get consistency in the nature and quality of your language.

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Don’t worry, you’re safe with us

Data privacy and security are paramount

Our platform protects your files and data, keeping it completely secure and confidential for you to order professional Dutch translations. Our rich set of platform features helps you to comply with data protection regulations and gain increased transparency and control.


Security within every layer of the platform


Worry-free, confidential and safe file handling


Annual ISAE3000 audit

Experienced translators

Meet our Dutch translators

Our team of dedicated Dutch translators are the best in their field and put their passion for language at your service. They have years of experience and know the language in all its little details and complexities. With all of them being native-speakers and having followed specific training courses, they have certifications that recognize their language level and qualify them as expert Dutch translators.

From global to local

Dutch localisation

As you probably already know, there isn’t really one single universal Dutch language. Many Dutch words and phrases can be singular to a particular area and would be as foreign to an Dutch speaker from outside the region as words from Mandarin or Ewokese. On the other side, there are some words that may be used in all Dutch-speaking countries, but which have entirely different meanings depending on which of those countries you’re in.

As such, if you’re planning on expanding your business to one of these Dutch-speaking countries, it’s important to employ the right language. You want the language to sound as natural as possible to the locals, but you also want to avoid mistakenly offending anyone. Therefore, only qualified and experienced Dutch translators can deliver the right and appropriate content translating from one language to another.


Dutch, a widespread language

Today, there are about 28 million Dutch mother tongue speakers. Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands, but it is not only spoken in the Netherlands as it is also the official language of Flanders, the neighbouring northern province of Belgium. Worldwide, Dutch is the national language in Suriname (South America) and the Dutch Antilles (Caribbean).

There are also small Dutch-speaking communities in northern France, around Dunkerque. In addition to that, Afrikaans, which is the official language of South Africa has its roots in Dutch, as the Dutch set up trading posts there in the 17 th Century. The result is a language which still resembles Dutch but has developed into its own.


28 M Native Dutch-speakers worldwide


2nd highest English-proficiency in the world


5 Dutch-speaking countries worldwide


Dutch dialects

The Netherlands is a very diverse country. Don’t be mistaken, Dutch is the official language of the country, but there are still some big differences when you go from one region to the other. In total, the Netherlands consists of 12 provinces. Each province has its own character, its own dialect and represents the administrative layer between the national government and the local municipalities.

For example, we could say that Frisian which is the dialect of Friesland in the northern part of the Netherlands, is closer to English than it is to Dutch. In fact, Frisian language is the West Germanic language most closely related to English. English and Frisian are actually part of the Anglo-Frisian branch, whereas Dutch stems from Old Low Franconian.


























Dutch language history

Together with English, Frisian, German, and Luxembourgish, Dutch is a West Germanic language from the Indo-European language family. It derives from Low Franconian, the speech of the Western Franks, which was restructured through contact with speakers of North Sea Germanic along the coast (Flanders, Holland). The earliest documents in the Dutch language date from approximately the end of the 12th century, although a few glosses, names, and occasional words appeared somewhat earlier.