Tips for faster translations

In a hurry? We have put together some tips for you, to speeden up the translation process.


Help us help you!

Making the translation process as convenient and stress-free for you as possible is our main purpose. Therefore, we will provide you with a few tips & tricks in order to facilitate the translation process for your business, so you can focus your time on other tasks. Please follow the simple guidelines below to receive top-quality translations quickly and efficiently.

Upload the right file format

The quality and rapidity of your translation project start with the file that you upload. Please make sure that you have considered all the tips below, and then you should be well on your way.


An editable file format

An editable file format: translators are not able to work directly within PDFs or JPGs, and these non-editable file formats usually require an additional DTP service, adding to the price and timeline.


High quality

High quality and resolution: if you are unable to deliver an editable format (or inDesign package), and your document is particularly graphic heavy, then make sure to send it to us in the best resolution so that our DTP specialists can make sure to match the level of aesthetics in the final file.


Multilingual document

Looking for a multilingual document? Send us your text in an excel file, and we will return it with as many target languages as you need.

Share what makes your company special

Do you have specific requirements or preferences in terms of the language used? The more you share with us, the more we can make sure that our translators meet your expectations.


Style guide

Share your style guide with us.


Term bank

Share your preferential terms so that we can create a catered term bank connected to your account.


Tone of voice

Share reference text so we can get inspiration for the tone of voice.